From the Archives » strategy

The Wind of Change, Innovation and Development with a New Captain on Board
2016-05-11The wind of change came with the main point on the agenda that was the election of the new Chairman of FastTrack Board of Directors. After a vote the President and CEO of BMI...
Christophe Waignier : Our Main Challenge is to Design Tools Favoring Transparency
2016-01-13FT - Christophe you were appointed as President of FastTrack last March. On this occasion you declared: « FastTrack represents an opportunity to help meet some of the...

The Cross-Industry Steering Committee: a First Step into the Implementation of Enhanced Governance
2015-09-14Since our March Board meeting we have been, in close cooperation with CISAC (Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs Compositeurs), focusing...

Sticking with a Winning Formula
2015-04-07Since the London Board on Strategy, the Paris (October 2014) and the Tokyo Board (November 2014) mainly focused on the evolution of FastTrack governance.

Let’s Focus on Quick Wins!
2015-04-07Our Board recently met in Berlin to discuss the next steps to be undertaken after the CISNext Definition Phase. All the Board's discussions were based on recommendations made by the...

Towards 2020: Our Vision of Worldwide Documentation on Works Metadata
2014-09-16For the first 14 years of FastTrack’s history our vision was to serve exclusively the needs of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) with a worldwide reliable technology to...

London Board Focus on Strategy
2014-07-21Our last Board of Directors meeting, held in London and hosted by PRS for Music, was mainly focused on the future of FastTrack. The two hot topics were our strategic orientations and...

Future of CIS-Net: What’s in the Pipeline?
2014-07-21Today “CIS-Net powered by FastTrack” is implemented and globally used by more than 120 Collective Management Societies (CMO). It is now considered a key tool. Nevertheless,...

FastTrack Directions and Tracks Towards 2020
2014-04-15« Your attitude will determine your altitude »…. Hosted by BMI in the World Trade Center, as our altitude was high the Strategy taskforce had a very positive...