From the Archives » cis-sessions

Selamant Datang! Welcome to Kuala Lumpur!
2013-09-16FastTrack will host several meetings at the occasion of the next CIS Sessions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (September 23rd to September 26th). FastTrack, as usual, will open the sessions...

De Retorno de Lisboa – Back from Lisbon – News in Brief
2013-03-13FastTrack hosted its traditional meetings on the occasion of the 4-day 21st joint CISAC/FastTrack CIS Sessions in Lisbon (February 11th to February 14th) where members of our Liaisons...
De retour de Montreal – Back from Montreal – News in Brief
2012-11-14FastTrack hosted several meetings at the occasion of the 20th CIS Sessions in Montreal (September 24th to September 28th) where some improvements to the meeting schedules and...

On the Starting Line to Montreal with a New Forum Format
2012-08-02FastTrack will host several meetings at the occasion of the next CIS Sessions in Montreal (September 24th to September 28th) where some improvements to the meeting schedules will be...

Update from Seville
2012-04-12For the third time, CISAC and FastTrack jointly organized their semi-annual meetings, which took place the week of March 12 in Seville.
The CIS-Net Business and Technical...

Back from Miami: News in Brief
2011-12-12For the second time, CISAC and FastTrack jointly organized their semi-annual meetings, which took place in Miami during the last week of, September 2011.
The extended1 CIS-Net...