2015-06-16User Profile

CIS-Net has become an essential tool in Algerian’s ONDA day-to-day business operations


Algerian ONDA (Office National des Droits d’Auteur et des Droits Voisins) is a public company in the domain of Industry and Commerce. Its headquarters are based in Algiers. In addition to ONDA's main office there are also 3 regional offices and 11 local agencies located all over Algerian territory. ONDA is in charge of the protection of moral and patrimonial rights for creators and neighbouring rights rights-holders. ONDA is in charge of the collective management of all categories of works and of all kind of performances whatever their genre.

As Head of our Distribution Department I’ve various responsibilities from following up and controlling all distributed works registered in our database to the management of the claims coming from the creators and the payment of royalties to the various rights-holders.

‘CIS-Net powered by FastTrack’ has become an essential tool in our day-to-day business operations, as it quickly provides accurate and always available information. It is in use in several of our departments and by our managers. Currently nineteen users and two administrators are using CIS-Net. Of course the Documentation and the Distribution departments are our most frequent users.

Whereas our Distribution Department queries are undertaken for the management of claims coming from abroad or for checking the rights we send to sister societies, the Documentation department is using CIS-Net more for identifying works.

We also use the Audio-Visual (AVI) application but most frequently we use Musical Works (MWI) and Interested Parties (IPI) especially when Algerian authors ask for the authorization to arrange or adapt works form abroad. In this specific case we search the IPI to check the affiliation of foreign authors to get their authorization. We also use MWI to check international works, especially when some works are unidentified in our database. Lastly our Documentation department is downloading the so-called  ‘Fiches Internationales’ in order to update our database.

CIS-Net has drastically reduced our manual work. I remember in the past we had to wait for answers coming from our sister societies through hard copies of the ‘Fiches Internationales’ to identify international works! CIS-Net also allowed us to complete and to improve the quality of our database by reducing the number of unidentified works.

We still don‘t use either the Agreements (AGM) application, or the Common Search Index (CSI), or even the Notification Live Performance (NLP). But we consider these applications are of the most importance for our business and we have planned to train our staff on these tools very soon….


Warda Arkoun, Head of Distribution Department

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