From the Archives » 2013

A Salute to Chris van Houten
2013-09-16This month FastTrack says farewell to Director General Chris Van Houten, who retires after 13 years of admirable leadership.
Van Houten was appointed FastTrack Director General...

Live Performance Notifications Project: an Update from the Project Leaders
2013-09-16Managing a project is never an easy task, but when your project team is scattered around the globe you’re faced with a whole new set of challenges! Anyone who has...

Selamant Datang! Welcome to Kuala Lumpur!
2013-09-16FastTrack will host several meetings at the occasion of the next CIS Sessions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (September 23rd to September 26th). FastTrack, as usual, will open the sessions...

FastTrack Welcomes Michel Allain
2013-09-16Please join me in welcoming Michel Allain as Managing Director of FastTrack. His appointment took place September 10.
Michel’s career combines substantial experience in...

FastTrack’s Role in GRD (Global Repertoire Database)
2013-09-16Since the latest update on FastTrack’s role in the GRD (FastTrack News # 17) a lot has happened.
FastTrack Management and the development teams at SACEM and SOCAN...