From the Archives » 2016

Board Waiting for CIS-Net 5
2016-03-22The FastTrack Board in Toronto (March, 14th) had a lot of important decisions to take and topics to discuss...
The first decision concerned the election of the new Chairman of the...

SPA: Reducing Efforts on Processing Millions of Records for the Benefit of Creators and Publishers
2016-03-22The Portuguese Society of Authors (SPA) has been using CIS-Net since 2006. Our Documentation and Distribution Department, consisting of 30 staff members, uses the CIS-Net MWI for...

Message from Hein van der Ree (departing CEO of Buma/Stemra and chairman of FastTrack)
2016-03-22Dear members of the FastTrack community,
As of the first of February this year I left Buma / Stemra. The reason for my departure is a result of the Dutch Law which regulates...

“FastTrack Days”: New Orientations and Options
2016-03-22As approved by our Executive Committee during its February 2016 conference call a new organization of CISAC and FastTrack Meetings has been proposed. This rationalization process results...

Latest ‘Tips & Tricks’
2016-03-22Since the latest issue of the User Newsletter (# 25) we have published the two following ‘T&T’ related to the BS-AVI (Batch Services Audio-Visual Works) tool: