From the Archives » 2014

Towards 2020: Our Vision of Worldwide Documentation on Works Metadata
2014-09-16For the first 14 years of FastTrack’s history our vision was to serve exclusively the needs of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) with a worldwide reliable technology to...

Web Site Release 3: Focus on Music Rights-Holders, Digital Distributors and Broadcasters
2014-09-16After release 1 (2002) and release 2 (2004), last May we launched the third release of our fully redesigned corporate web site (
Following our...

14 Years of FastTrack History
2014-09-162000 to 2006: Focus on Shareholders
In July 2000, the senior Chief Executive Officers of five leading Collective Management Organizations (BMI, GEMA, SACEM, SGAE and SIAE) agreed...

FastTrack in the Music Ecosystem
2014-09-16FastTrack has played a unique role in music ecosystem by developing and maintaining the backbone through which ever-increasing amounts of data flow from one side of the world where it is...

Welcome to Our Expanded FastTrack News!
2014-09-15Our expanded FastTrack News will be published quarterly to inform the music publishing community, the creators and music industry organizations and the media of our new initiatives, and...