From the Archives » 2013

Two New ‘Tips & Tricks’ Available to CIS-Net Users’ Community
2013-03-13‘T&T” Subscribers have now received two more issues of the monthly ‘T&T’ e-mail.
As usual, we provide a regular summary of the published...

June Release of CIS-Net with Enhanced Interface!
2013-03-13FastTrack Development Teams are currently working hard on a major release to be delivered this summer with, among others, major enhancements to the performances of the ‘CIS-Net...

Project Roadmap 2014-2016
2013-03-13The three-year Project Roadmap has for several years been the basis for the selection of projects to be developed for CIS-Net. Once the three-year Project Roadmap is approved by the...

De Retorno de Lisboa – Back from Lisbon – News in Brief
2013-03-13FastTrack hosted its traditional meetings on the occasion of the 4-day 21st joint CISAC/FastTrack CIS Sessions in Lisbon (February 11th to February 14th) where members of our Liaisons...
GEMA: CIS-Net has Become an Essential Tool for our Daily Work
2013-03-13The number of music usages that must be processed by collecting societies around the world is increasing. In this context one of the key process is the documentation on musical works...