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Great Benefits of Matching Tool at SABAM


FastTrack tools and functionalities have always been playing a significant role in SABAM’s daily processes. Firstly, the search and the download-functionalities for Musical...


It’s Time to Prepare for the Launch of the Notification of Live Performance Tool!


It has been rumored that something worth singing about was coming to CIS-Net. Well, now it’s time to kick up your heels and prepare for the inaugural launch of the Notification of...


Opening our “FastTrack Days’ to New Audiences


FastTrack launched its ‘FastTrack Days’ in Berlin last April. After Berlin meetings each participant had the occasion to give recommendations online and to make concrete...


London Board Focus on Strategy


Our last Board of Directors meeting, held in London and hosted by PRS for Music, was mainly focused on the future of FastTrack. The two hot topics were our strategic orientations and...


Future of CIS-Net: What’s in the Pipeline?


Today “CIS-Net powered by FastTrack” is implemented and globally used by more than 120 Collective Management Societies (CMO). It is now considered a key tool. Nevertheless,...


Latest “Tips & Tricks”: Focus on AVI


Since the mot recent issue of the Newsletter we have published the two following ‘T&T’ related to the AVI Domain with the help of the AVI Project Team:



UBC: We’re Preparing to Contribute to the Development of FastTrack


The UBC Heritage UBC (União Brasileira de Compositores) was founded in 1942 by distinguished composers, UBC is the very first Brazilian organization created for the collective...


New Era for FastTrack Web Site,  First Steps in Social Networking


Our newly designed corporate web site, our communications frame of reference to our expanded audience will be available very soon. It is now in its last stage of content review by...


FastTrack Directions and Tracks Towards 2020


« Your attitude will determine your altitude »…. Hosted by BMI in the World Trade Center, as our altitude was high the Strategy taskforce had a very positive...

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