2013-06-24Decisions on Projects

Washington Board of Directors Decisions on 2014 Project Development Plan


Each year, both the CISAC and FastTrack Board approve the Project Development Plan for the next year. The Project Development Plan is based on the ranking by each member of the CISAC Supervisory Board (CSB) and of the FastTrack Management Board of their preferred project delivery order.

For the year 2014 two projects are qualified for development, as they both got the support of the minimum required number of 6 Sponsor societies:

Project Sponsors Budget (Euros) Confidence High (Euros) Low (Euros)
MTMR 2 8 436,400 75% 545,500 327,300
MTMR 3 8 218,050 75% 272,563 163,538

Once FastTrack would be selected to become the service provider for parts of the GRD development, the Multi Territory Multi Right (MTMR) project (phases 1-3) will be an integrated part of the GRD development and there will be no longer a need to have these projects developed under CIS-Net.

A final decision regarding the development of the GRD and FastTrack’s involvement will be taken by the appropriate bodies in September 2013. For this reason, the FastTrack Board of Directors was not able to make a decision on the 2014 Project Development Plan. It will, however, make a decision in September, considering the two following scenarios:

Scenario 1:  GRD Development

  • All three phases of the MTMR Project will be an integrated part of FastTrack’s GRD Development;
  • CIS-Net developments will be limited to Maintenance, Support, Services and Enhancements.

Scenario 2:  CIS-Net Development

  • Phase 2 (€ 436.400) of the MTMR project will be developed as part of CIS-Net;
  • Additional CIS-Net development to include Maintenance, Support, Services and Enhancements.

After summer we will of course inform our readers at the occasion of the next issue of our Newsletter on all final decisions taken during the course of September, as all the decisions o be taken have a great impact on FastTrack Development Plan and budget.

Chris van Houten, FastTrack Director General

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