2014-04-15CIS-Net Release

CIS-Net Major Release (4.7) in the Pipeline


The Development Teams are now focusing on the last details prior to the delivery of release 4.7 before it comes to its thorough testing stage. Key testers of this major version of CIS-Net will proceed to a series of tests during this summer until it will be officially launched at fall, as we will stick to the regular process of release delivery.
The main features of this release will integrate two major fully new tools: Batch Services for Audio-Visual Works and Live Performance Notifications.

One of the primary objectives for the AV Batch is to enhance the current CIS-Net AVI Online Search Engine, thus allowing requesting societies to submit their existing proprietary file format to an integrated matching service and to eliminate the manual and time consuming steps of entering and matching one entry at the time. The requesting societies will also be able to research greater volumes using CIS-Net AVI Batch and therefore they will be less dependent on suppliers’ resources to perform the identification. The investment of a conversion tool as part of the AV Batch will also allow societies to submit their proprietary format such as CSV or Text files, and the benefits will be immediate because societies will be able to use the new services without major internal cost. Furthermore, suppliers will be able to send proprietary files received from requesting societies as well using the same conversion mechanism. As reporting volumes are increasing exponentially, the value per reporting transaction is decreasing; therefore societies need an innovative technical solution to help them sustain and increase their identification ratio while keeping the cost per transaction at the lowest level possible.
This tool will also allow expanding the matching services to process Unidentified Performances of Audiovisual Works (UPA) lists in batches. Currently, no such tool exists in CIS-Net AVI for this particular business need, which takes place after the royalty distribution has been closed. Fuzzy matching techniques are quite performance intensive and take longer to process but such technology is needed to compensate the data quality limitation and to further maximize the expected return on investment. (for more details please refer to FastTrack News # 18)

The Live Performance Notification facility will allow creating a notification when your members’ repertoire is performed out of the country. It will also allow the notifying society to include a set list containing the authoritative musical work details (taken from CIS-Net) for the performance. The initial goal of the project team has been to also simplify the tracking of the performance notifications and to improve the workflow of such notifications. Part of the project was also to define a set of common business rules that will be supported by the technical tool.
In addition to these two major tools a set of enhancements requested by our societies’ liaisons will be part of the upcoming release. Most of them, originating from CISAC’s AVI Management Committee, are linked to the AVI domain, namely the AVI contributing societies duplicate matching facility.
More details will of course be delivered in due time with the delivery of the Business Release Notes made available to CISAC and societies Business Liaisons. More details will come also in next issues of this newsletter. In the meantime we look forward to getting the results of this spring/summer series of tests.

Annick Duflos, FastTrack Information & Communications Director & Sylvain Masson, Project Leader AVI Batch Services

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